Tuesday, July 19th 2022 - Armed Once Again
Not with a gun or anything. Last week my laptop, my lovely
and glorious Thinkpad that I adored, gave up the ghost. MB
was no longer receiving power from neither a known working
battery or a new charger.

So I bid farewell to what had essentially become a
rectangular frisbee, removed the salvageable drive and mem
and threw it out.

This left me in a conundrum (I just now learned about nano
spellcheck, thank you nano) though, as I no longer had
access to my attackbox or OffSec notes, or the class mats
I had pirated. I had salvaged the m.2 from the Thinkpad
but I didn't have a way of reading it yet. So I was
essentially at a full stop. And with no money to afford a
replacement laptop, I didn't know if I'd ever make it back
to my coursework.

Thankfully a friend came to the rescue with a spare MSI
laptop, which is arriving today. Hence, my armament. It's
not a thinkpad but beggers literally can't be choosers.

I'm very fortunate to have good friends.

So, first thing I'm doing after doubling the ram and
installing the m.2 is to install Arch. I'm not going back
to Kali, I've identified enough of my workflow to know
which toolsets I need. I'd rather have my favorite OS
and install everything piecemeal.

Which reminds me. I found something very interesting on
a bbs system today. I can't say what it is. But this
scene goes deeper than I realized.

Thanks for reading!

- diviniti