2022-06-19 Father's Day Sunday
Today: It's a beautiful sunny and windy father's day in Northern Virginia

Update to the March post...

In my last post I wrote:
|       I spent five hours on Thursday in the final round of technical
|       interviews. I didn't nail it, so I'm assuming no job offer will
|       result from the effort. I am glad that I persisted and survived
|       my first experience live coding during interviews. With the
|       screening interview that makes 6 technical interviews.
Update: I became the 6th "in that many months" to resign. I didn't get the job
offer for the position I interviewed. However, I was offered a slightly
different position and I took it. So In late April I started a new job at a new
company! Now I don't have to worry about any more of my colleagues resigning on
me. Well, except for those who are leaving the new company. :-) So it looks
like my other plans are on hold because my new plan is to hurry up and get
competent at this new job. I'm good with this plan.

I have been scheming with my brothers to visit them for ARRL Field Day. So I'll
be taking the train away from the city to meet them next weekend to do some
field day stuff. I'm looking forward to having some fun. It's gonna be great.

I also have a new scheme that I'm starting to put together. I have 20+ months
to figure this new scheme out so I think I'll add a planning entry that I'll
keep updated as I watch that scheme unfold. Look forward to that soon. It has a
sun theme to it.

Take care my fellow SDFers. See you around.