2022-03-26 Saturday
Yesterday the 5th colleague in that many months resigned. That makes about half
our department in the last year. It isn't the greatest morale booster. For some
reason we have only replaced one of those who resigned. I got into a new job
frenzy as well. I spent five hours on Thursday in the final round of technical
interviews. I didn't nail it, so I'm assuming no job offer will result from the
effort. I am glad that I persisted and survived my first experience live coding
during interviews. With the screening interview that makes 6 technical

I'm tired of job hunting so I think I might take another break from it. During
this round of applications, rejections, and technical interviews I've learned a
few things that might be the basis of a plan. First, react.js seems to be a
really big deal right now. Second, practicing algorithms on leetcode might make
for stronger live coding. Third, my object oriented design decisions need
maturing. Fourth, get involved in an open source project.

So if I'm given a thank you for your interest but we are pursuing other
candidates letter, then I think I might focus my energies on the following plan:

Create an open source repo on my GitHub profile for a Lab Info Mgmt Sys (LIMS).
Rewrite my previous professional work from scratch on my own time and open
source it. Focus on using react.js for the front end and push my self further
in proper object oriented design patterns. If needed, pursue formal study
beyond reading the design patterns book.
I am reminded of a conversation I had in COM a few months ago. There was a book
suggestion for me then. That book was, Clean Code by Martin and Continuous
Delivery by Humble and Farley. These books were recommended by Spring. I think
I've got my work cut out for me but it is a reasonable project that will
hopefully improve my professional software development.

So the plan is to kick off an open source LIMS project. Rebuild what I already
have built and let it be free. Hopefully it will be a good example repo for
future employers. I think these were the biggest takeaways from this round of
rejections and interviews. So if I can stick with my current job and turn
something around in 9 months I can be on the road to a new future where I'm not
the last person standing on a sinking ship. I'm glad I had that talk with
Spring in com. Too bad I didn't act quicker on their tips. So it is thus.