2022-01-21 Friday
I just got back from Walgreens to pick up 4 Sumatriptan. Insurance doesn't
cover a refill until tomorrow. Mrs. Dirtyrig has been bed ridden since Wednesday
morning with a terrible pain. She had two take two Sumatriptan on Wed and two
on Thursday. She was completely out. I waited at the drive through starting at
08:30. The pharmacy opens at 9.

I noticed that there wasn't just one but two well drilling rigs in the new
development near my neighborhood. You can here the drilling
all the way over here about a mile away. Snow is still on the ground and it is
18F with highs in the low 20s today. I will have to keep some fires going. This
morning Princess woke me up around 5am. I let both dogs go out and when they
were back in I went back to bed. Speedrig came into our room so I had to go lay
down in his bed to get him back to sleep. Mrs. Dirtyrig woke me after 7a because she
needed her Sumatriptan refill. I had told her the pharmacy would open at 8a. I
left here about 8:18am and arrived to find that I was wrong.