In response to Yargo and misc tidbits [27 Feb 2019]

It was quite interesting to read Yargo's [1] story about his
early experiences with computers. His story is very similar to
mine, and he even mentioned my humble little phlog in his post.
Be sure to check it out, and thanks for the mention, Yargo!

I think that I may have fixed the issue with not
picking up my phlog updates. It may have had something to do
with the fact that I was creating the phlog posts on my local
machine, then ftp'ing them to my local folder.

Some folks on sdf's BBOARD were discusing a fix, which is to
"touch" my /ftp/pub user folder after I post. I will try that
and see how it goes. It is not like anything I say is that
timely, but it is nice to be able to have it up right away.

Here is a little something that you can put in your .vimrc
to add the date in a gopher post, when you type :InsertDate :

function! Insert(text)
   " a simple function to insert text where the cursor is
   execute "normal! \<Esc>a".a:text

function! Strip(text)
   return substitute(a:text, '^\_s*\(.\{-}\)\_s*$', '\1', '')

command! InsertDate :call Insert(Strip(system('date +"%d %b %Y"')))

Well, that's it for this time. See you around the holes.

[1] gopher://