June 5 Questions                                                 2023-06-04

A reply to christyotwisty's 5 questions for June...



1. Describe the most expensive object you'd like to buy.

We're currently in the process of buying a house... and it's taking
longer than it should, so we haven't bought it yet. I guess that counts
as an object. It's certainly the most expensive thing I can anticipate
wanting to buy.

The object, the house, is a semi-detached property, built of stone in
the 1910s, which sits above the railway station and town centre in our
nearest town.  Assuming everything does go ahead, we'll be living
opposite where I used to go to sixth-form college aged 16-18... and
next door to the local brewery. It's sort of weird coming back to to a
place you grew up, to live, after a long time a long way away.

2. What is something the generation preceding you loves that you don't

Hmmm... I have to be careful with this one, as I now find myself
enjoying more and more of the things my parents like to do!

Cruises. I suppose lots of younger people like them too, but they do
seem especially popular with the olds. I don't particularly want to
spend large stretches of time being entertained on a boat, or only be
able to explore ports of call on a tight timetable.

3. What is something the generation succeeding you loves that you don't understand?


4. what holiday in your calendar needs to be replaced, and with what
other observation or commemoration?

Well, we had a coronation bank holiday in the UK recently. That was
a one off, but we could have skipped all of that nonsense and replaced
it with a day off that officially recognises trade unionism or similar.

5. what do you think it means to be redeemed? Have you felt redeemed at
one time? Can one be redeemed an iota without the drama of a constructed
fiction narrative?

This is far to deep for me on a Sunday morning :-)