Hedgerows                                                    2023-05-07

Hedges are everywhere here in Cornwall. Built from stone, and covered
in a mass of plant life, they separate the smaller roads from the
fields that they wind around. Come spring the hedges expand outward,
squeezing the space between them for people, bikes, and cars... until
they die back or are trimmed by a helpful farmer or the council.

At the moment we live in a rented barn conversion on a narrow rural
road. Often you can't see much over the hedges, except where the
gates in the hedgerows reveal cows standing or lying on incredibly
green grass. It's quite a change from North Texas where, if you
escape the concrete suburbs, it's generally pretty flat and open.
Wire and wooden fences, rather than tall hedges, line the fields there.

I stroll down our road for a mile or so most days it isn't raining.
Right now the hedges are bursting with flowering cow parsley,
bluebells, chickweed, and more. It's lovely to see, less good for
allergies :-)