Title: Of Monkey Island and Kinetics
Date: 30-04-2022

I've always been curious about retrogaming. I mean - I was born in 90s so all
the gigantic background of arcade games and game rooms has never been part of
my life. Just a remote past I only read about online. Among all the titles
there's one I desperately wanted to play: The Secret of Monkey Island. And
today I made it.

A special thank goes to ScummVM - a project that gives new life to the old
graphical adventures. The idea is pretty simple: a virtual machine able to
simulate different environments (Amiga, DOS, ...) that can be easily run on
the main OSs. I cannot wait to become an infamous pirate - no offense to JD.

During these days I'm preparing for the next exam: Molecular Modelling. The
name sounds pretty interesting but chemical kinetics is not my bread and butter.
The idea is to study the rate at which reactions occur from a theoretical point
of view. In practice the course focused on tons calculations and mathematical
derivations of the fundamental equations. Maybe one day I'll write about
Collision Theory and Transition State Theory. But this is not the day.