Last night  started to copy  a lot of files  that are in  my old
laptop to an external hard drive that I bought a year ago just in
case. The thing  is, it is A LOT of  stuff, practically more than
200 Gb of data, and the copy process lasted maybe half a day.

Two things:

-Windows copy is SLOW. Didn't think or had time to look for some
kind of software  to make that backup better, and  surely must be
other ways to  do it but, well, maybe there  will be more chances
to make that process again better.

-I was remembering the time when a  2 Gb HDD was enough for many
docs and things, and how an 8 Gb was so huge and now I'm hoarding
so much data in comparison.

Didn't felt enough  confident last night to try  the whole thing
with a Linux live distribution, but  maybe it was a better option
than using Windows  anyway, I'll check that  kind of alternatives