1990s phone hacking: Cast of characters

I need a way to keep track of the aliases that I've assigned to the various real-life people
that are mentioned in any entries I write on my time spent hacking into the telephone system
in the 1990s.  This may also be of help to readers.

One of my closest friends during high school, as well as my phone system hacking partner-in-crime

Introduced to him by Steve, unusual kid that Steve and I really got a kick out of and adored.
Very well regarded in the local "elite / underground BBS scene."  Into computer hacking, viruses,
and all sorts of other stuff (drugs, "raves", girls, etc).  Member of local Explorer Post run by
local telephone company.  Introduced Steve and I to "trashing", probably the one person responsible
for really getting the telephone system hacking obsession started for Steve and I.

"The Three Bad Ass Dudes"
A group of "older guys" (in their early 20s I think, as opposed to us being around age 16).  These guys
were WAY ahead of us when it came to phone hacking.  And they were much more bold as well.  One of them
had already been featured on the cover of 2600 Magazine and two of them had articles published in Phrack
on more than one occasion.  I think this puts them in fairly rare company.  In some ways, Steve and I had
really stumbled upon quite the crew and quite the knowledge base in meeting these guys.  And they were
pretty keen on "taking us in" and on sharing information with us.

* Kris:  The one in the group that Steve and I personally had the most contact with.  He was the first one
        in the group that we met.  He later introduced us to the other two members of the group.  Broke
        into a telephone company van parked outside of a Central Office building with him (regrettably).
* John:  One that Steve and I personally had contact with on a handful of occasions.  Featured on a
        2600 Magazine cover.  Author / co-author of handful of Phrack articles.
* Terry: Only ever met him once.  Author / co-author of handful of Phrack articles.  Traded a copy of an
        AT&T 5ESS switch documentation CD-ROM to him for a copy of an AGCS GTD-5 switch documentation CD-ROM.

Not an alias, this was actually the guy's real first name

CREATED 2023-03-30