Title: Still here.
Date: 2022-08-30
Device: Macbook
Mood: IDK

So I guess the summer has come and gone now. I've
spent the last few weeks feeling kind of listless.
The summer is a strange time for me because it's
the longest period of time when the house is full
during the working week; I miss the alone time
that I get when the other are back to school/work.

I'm feeling generally apathetic right now; about
my health, technology, and I'm generally not
dealing with any significant projects. I'm gaming
again, which is both nice (because it's social)
and not (because it's sedentary). I'm just feeling
generally a little bit low.

I don't know if there's a 'real' word for being
anti-stoic, but I feel like I'm chasing a lot of
desires at the moment (new stuff! more luxury!),
while my mind if kind of decaying with the routine
and lack of challenge.

This won't last, and I know that, but I guess when
one is in the doldrums the only way out is
