Title: Went out today
Date: 2022-04-21
Device: Laptop
Mood: Content

I went out today for the first time in a few
weeks. Just to a coffee shop for a sandwich and
then a few hours of work in the afternoon. It was
nice, but weird anxiety after I'd been there for a
few hours. It was nice to be around people, even
through the filter of my headphones, but at a
certain point it was too much.

I spent some of the afternoon lazily cleaning up
old AWS resources. As we come towards the end of
our "fuck the cloud" project, I'm finding more and
more little edge-cases which need handling. We
have pretty much solved the 'move entire
applications' side of things; but that which
remains is probably going to be manual work - DNS
records, random S3 buckets, old healthchecks, that
kind of thing.

Today it was mainly cleaning up old DNS zone
records. It's insance that AWS forces you to
manually delete all DNS records before you delete
the entire zone. It's just creating busywork for
the admin. I'm sure some AWS product manager
somewhere realised that by adding friction to the
delete process they could squeeze a few more cents
out of the customer lifetime. A quick set of
scripts to the rescue though and now I can remove
entire zones relatively quickly.

The next thing will be cleaning up orphaned S3
buckets. These have all the same problems; you
can't just delete a bucket and it's contents, you
need to first remove the object lifecycle rules,
and then manually delete the objects, and then
delete the buckets itself. There's probably more
hoops to jump through too.

I complain, but on our new infrastructure, our
static media is just files on a filesystem. It's
so wonderful to be able to inspect a filesystem,
move things, delete things, transform things,
without crazy HTTP APIs in the way. We got all of
these things right in the mid-late 90's. I'm so
glad to be back on 'old UNIX' instead of the cloud
