Title: Overude update
Date: 2022-03-28
Device: Laptop
Mood: Refreshed

It's been a few weeks.

A couple of weeks back I went skiing for a week.
It was challenging (I was skiing with a group who
were mainly twenty years my junior, and much
fitter than me), but I did okay. I had the
opportunity to paraski which was a lot of fun --
600m above the ground in the sunshine with the
Alps below me. I can't wait to do it again.

I've not skiied since pre-pandemic, and it was
noticible how much heavier I've become. I think
I'm easily 2.5st overweight at the moment.
Noticible in the hips and knees when I'm active.

I've been home for a week now; a busy week. The
builders started replacing the roof on the house,
which is going smoothly. Noisy at first as they
removed the old roof and the building materials
were all moved into place, but the quieter. This
week they're going to remove the remaining roof
and hopefully complete. I'm looking forward to the
end of the disruption.

Currently on a train to London, to see my
colleagues. There's a few which I've not seen in
person before, so I'm looking forward to it. I
don't have much by way of executive responsibility
(I'm not presenting, for example), but I do want
to show my face to the new staff and let them know
I'm available.

I've not been doing much interesting by way of
technology recently. We are evolving the
infrastructure plans a little in response to the
outage I wrote about previously; nothing major,
just removing some points of failure. I've got to
get some legal work done, and some process
certification work completed -- but hopefully
that's just going to be a copy-and-paste from last
years certification and nothing more. At home,
nothing much interesting; once the builders have
finished I'm considering revising the IP cameras
to give more coverage over a wider area, I've
never been entirely happy with the current
recording system either. I have a LOT of terabytes
on the NAS which I could use for the footage, it
seems like only keeping 24h is wasteful if, for
example, there's a break-in when I'm away for a
few days. I'd also like to find a Ring doorbell
replacement which isn't tied to Amazon's corporate
goals, and ideally uses open standards for
