Title: Lazy Sunday
Date: 2022-02-20
Device: Laptop
Mood: Content

A nice lazy Sunday today. I slept well last night
(better than H, she has a cold at the moment which
she is suffering with), and when I did finally
rise, we realised the breakfast options in the
fridge were pretty sparse.

So we had a nice trip out to brunch, which is
about 30 minutes drive away. I think there is
something very pleasing about going out together
as a family on a Sunday; we get dressed
'properly', we talk on the journey (this week; the
ethics of Ukraine, and ludicrous new government
educational policy); it's very 'civilised'. I
suppose this is what I would fine most appealing
about church, if I did go. The comfortable

After, home, and after settling down, some board
games with everyone, along with a boba tea
delivery. The fact that Deliveroo now can bring me
boba at any time is worrying; it could turn into a
£10 per day habit.

I'm just waiting now for the dinner to finish
roasting; I decided to put in a joint of gammon
with some of the orange marmalade which Mum made
for use a few months ago. I've no idea how else we
are going to get through it all, she made us
enough for three years if we only use it on toast.

I'm conflicted about the situation in eastern
Europe. I think the most ethical position is to
reduce harm, and that means allowing the Russians
to proceed as they wish. Ukraine is a
highly-functional society, there is a large, well
educated population and children who enjoy
healthcare and good education. My heart tells me
that the best that can be done for those people is
for an invasion to happen as quickly as possible
with as little conflict as posible -- so they can
continue their lives as peacefully as one could
under a new regime. Of course, this feels like
geopolitical capitulation, and many would
(rightly) say "where does it end?". Probably at a
NATO country border.

I desperately hope for no war. I expect the best
that will happen is a short war. And from my
comfortable home, 1500 miles away from Kiev, I
will be praying for those people.
