Title: Laptop stuff, old and new.
Date: 2022-02-15
Device: Laptop
Mood: Tired, happy

I've realised today that my laptop doesn't have
any sound output souftware installed on this

Partly, that points to the fact that I'm just not
consuming much media on the laptop at the moment;
mainly just audiobooks on my phone. Also that my
intention to spend more time reading (which I *do*
do on my laptop) and watching movies is working
out. I occasionally open Youtube on my work
computer our of habit, but browsing my
subscriptions I see very little that I want to
engage with.

The last time I setup sound from scratch, I think
I was using PulseAudio on Arch, but I don't
remember if that requires `systemd`, which I don't
run on this laptop. It seems that there is some
new stack called PipeWire. I'm completely
unfamiliar with that. I wonder if plain-old ALSA
still works. Some research to do I guess.

In other news, I had an email from Frame.work
earlier today to say that I'm going to be in the
February batch, and that I need to pay them the
remaining balance on the laptop. I'm really
looking forward to getting my hands on that
laptop. As much as anything I'm looking forward to
writing about the setup process; I always enjoy
tinkering with new hardware.
