Title: Feeling like shit today
Date: 2022-02-07
Device: Laptop
Mood: Like Shit

Yeah, so I'm feeling like shit today. I thought
I'd begin to write some of this down even though I
don't have my Gopher space properly setup.

After a reasonably 'ordinary' weekend (i.e. one
where we neither did too much, or too little), I
woke up this morning feeling completely drained.
My eyes were sore, I felt like I needed a nap by
7am (I only work up at about 6am). I've spent the
day either lounging in bed, with one exception
where I dragged myself up to my desk for an hour
to do a couple of work calls and knock out a quick
document to help a colleague.

I drove to the shop to buy some lunch, but then my
lizard-brain took over proceedings and I bought a
load of sugary/salty crap rather than real food.
This didn't help matters. Now I'm lying here in
bed, ready to just give up on the day (it's about
3pm). I realise that I have the luxury of doing
this, where most do not -- but I still feel bad.

I've just queued up The Big Short on Netflix. It's
the third in the triumvirate of 'smart white dude'
movies, after I watched Moneyball and War Dogs
over the last week.

I'm actively trying to stop watching television
*shows*, and spend more time on movies; I've told
myself this is because there is more artistry in
movies than television (and maybe there is a grain
of truth in this), but also because I'm finding
television just so hard to keep up with at the
moment. At least after a couple of hours a movie
is done with; it's not a 12-hour committment to a
series. I hate leaving things unfinished.

Anyway, my eyes are hurting more now after typing
this. Signing off.
