Title: Joining the Gopherverse
Date: 2022-02-05
Device: Laptop
Mood: Tired

This is a test post.

I've been reading phlogs on and off now for about
three years. I enjoy smaller communities, and SDF
seems like the right kind of small; small enough
to easily digest anyway.

This is the first time in a lot of years (maybe 25
years!) that I'm writing under a pseudonym.
There's such a weight to using your own name
online (even on a rarely-read blog at a vanity
URL) which can stifle the things I want to write.
I always end up thinking about how what I write
reflects on my professional persona, so it tends
towards this showy technical writing.

That isn't what I want for this gopherspace; I've
no doubt this will tend towards the technical,
after all that's where my hobbies and passions
lie, but I want to be able to write honestly. I
have also been journalling on-and-off for a few
years, just in a private document, but the truth
is that I want someone to read what I write, even
if it is personal, even if it is just static in
the ether.

So here I am.
