Over the December holidays I took it upon myself to explore new things,
and one of those things was silent films. During that time I watched
"Nosferatu", and "The man who smiles", and became convinced that it is
indeed a pity that silent films have gone ignored (by me) and that it is
worth remedying this fact. So today (months later) I decided to watch
"The cabinet of Dr. Caligari" and I have to say that once again, German
expressionism doesn't disappoint!  This movie in my humble opinion is a
rare example of excellence (albeit I couldn't really tell it at first
from fundamentally misunderstanding the plot). From the disorienting
geometry of the sets, the exaggerated makeup in the main antagonists
which makes them beyond human, and add to that the absolutely superb
scoring (at least in the version available on youtube) by Rainer
Viertblöck and the whole experience is the definition of a well spent
one hour.