The Linux Kernel Hearbeat
by: cr0security

First One to Know -> jiffies the kernel heartbeat

Talking about kernel heartbeat we'll talk about jiffies. Jiffies is a variable in kernel space, a jiffie refer to a time measurement, it refer to the duration of one tick of
the system timer interrupt. For more understanding, here's the description about jiffies based on "Understanding the Linux Kernel - 3rd edition"

"The jiffies variable is a counter that stores the number of elapsed ticks since the system was started. It is
increased by one when a timer interrupt occurs that is, on every tick."

The jiffies variable is a counter that stores the number of elapsed ticks since the system was started, It is increased by one when a timer interrupt occurs that is, on
every tick. Where the timer of interrupt already programmed at boot time and defined by the value of HZ (see /usr/include/asm/param.h)

#ifndef HZ
#define HZ 100

One thing to remember is that this jiffies counter is 64 bit variable called jiffies_64 (on 32 bit and 64 bit machines running linux) (check: /usr/include/linux/jiffies.h).
Let's have a check on what we've said above.

Checking current jiffies value


#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/jiffies.h>
#include <linux/timer.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
int init_module(void)
       unsigned long j;
       j = jiffies;
       printk("\ncurrent jiffies  value :  %lu\n",j);
       return 0;

void cleanup_module(void)
       printk("\nfinish lkm\n");

Let's make it and check using dmesg.

make -C /lib/modules/2.6.35-22-generic/build M=/home/cr0security/lkm/jiffies modules
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.35-22-generic'
 Building modules, stage 2.
 MODPOST 1 modules
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.35-22-generic'
/home/cr0security/lkm/jiffies#insmod jiffies.ko
/home/cr0security/lkm/jiffies#dmesg | tail
[ 3694.258877]
[ 3694.258880] current jiffies value :  848564

we got current jiffies counter value : 848564 , well just for note the initial value of this jiffies is programmed to be 0 at the boot time.
Getting confused already ???? what does 848564 means ?? 848564 ticks of the system timer interrupt. don't forget that the timer defined at HZ value.