# 08 Jun 2021 - exams

I've off on setting up my Raspberry Pi and jumping into online communities until after my exams next week.

Today I woke up with a sore throat, which doesn't seem to be going away anytime soon. This is very rare for me - I have not caught a flu since I moved here. I've had an occasional mild sore throat, but I usually get better within a day. I suppose I couldn't run away from this forever, but it's not great timing with my exams coming up, and things being crazy in the office.

On a related note, the university collects student feedback on individual units, they assure us it's kept confidential. I used it as a platform to express my dissatisfaction at how certain funding decisions made by the university have directly impacted the quality of teaching. I'm quite proud of my little piece, I tried hard to employ the writing skills they taught us last year.

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