# 31 May 2021 - Rats and seagulls

There was a break in the rain yesterday, so we got some pies from the mall and went down to the riverside to eat them. We also almost got swooped by a huge flock of cockies at the mall parking lot. It's nice by the riverside, especially after being cooped up at home from the rain. But the best part about it is when we get to taunt the birds. It seems like people there feed the birds quite often and the local birds have adapted accordingly. We don't like to feed the wildlife, but it's fun to taunt the greedy ones.

There's always one particular aggressive one that chases all the other seagulls away with its neck stretched out. It'll then stand at a respectful distance just looking at us expectantly. We pretend to throw a piece of food towards it but there's nothing in our hands. The seagull falls for it every time, and every time it does an outraged squawk. Its self-entitlement and indignance at being fooled is just hilarious to watch. So much rage in such a small figure. There was once it even followed us back to the car after we finished our meal and made sure we didn't leave any scraps behind. It stood there on the pavement, glaring at us as we pulled away.

Yesterday, though, it was saddening to see a black swan come mooching around for food when it saw some potential action taking place with the seagulls. The swans generally minded their own business, even when they didn't have babies with them. But it seems like people have been trying to attract this swan with food. I told off the swan, and asked it why it hasn't got married/had kids yet.

We have been baiting our trap regularly and the rats are back. There are two of them, and they usually visit in the hours just after dusk and before dawn. They have been increasingly confident with the walk the plank trap, and last night we set the sensitivity so that it would tip over easily. This morning we noticed the trap was triggered, but there was nothing in the bucket. We checked the camera footage - the rat got on the plank, and then *jumped off* when it tipped over. It feels like we've been outsmarted by a bloody rat, of all things.
Now I understand why that dude with the youtube channel that just does rat traps is actually really popular.

Sometimes I wonder if leaving my fulltime job just before everything went crazy at work was a good decision, because my husband no longer has the security of knowing there's another income to support us. Regardless, what's done is done. The best I can do right now, apart from supporting my husband emotionally, is to quickly complete my course and get back into the workforce as soon as possible. In times like these, I thank my past self profusely for deciding not to have kids.

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