# 06 May 2021 - Hosts

Hm. Seems like sdf.org has been down again, for the second time in about 2 weeks?

Anyway, as a reward for completing my assignment and not slacking off, I've just ordered myself a Raspberry Pi 3 B+. I'm amazed a local supplier still has stock for this stuff.

Gonna see if I can set up a Gemini server on my crap tech skills and crap connection. woohoo!

Oh, and I also found this link on the sdf wiki about setting up a python environment on your own user directory, i think i had to do that before running the gemfeed script. I also had to learn how to actually run a python script...

=> https://wiki.sdf.org/doku.php?id=set_up_your_own_python_environment (https) SDF wiki - Set up your Local Python environment

=> gemini://sdf.org/clinquant/journal/index.gmi Journal
=> gemini://sdf.org/clinquant/index.gmi Capsule home