# 05 May 2021 - Further adventures in writing this gemlog

## Uploading files to remote host
I realised that rsync itself can make connections via ssh, I don't need to worry about scp.

rsync -a -e ssh localdirectory user@host:remotedirectory

This blog post nicely addresses the trailing slashes issue with rsync:
=> http://qdosmsq.dunbar-it.co.uk/blog/2013/02/rsync-to-slash-or-not-to-slash/ (http) Rsync - to slash or not to slash

So I've got myself set up and run the command, only to find a code 12 error. For the life of me, I don't know how to find a list of packages within the shell in sdf.org that lists out what is available and at what level of membership, but I managed to find it online:

=> https://wiki.sdf.org/doku.php?id=software_packages_on_sdf_by_category (https) SDF wiki - list of packages

Unfortunately, rsync is only available for MetaARPA, not even ARPA members. I've enjoyed my time at SDF so far, but I'm not willing to fork out a monthly fee just to access rsync.

So my choices now are:
* write directly via ssh (my connection is so laggy it's ridiculous, and I have to find out what's making my terminal do weird things with certain keys)
* manually upload with scp (It's a bit overkill to recursively upload, and I feel really silly manually uploading files when there's things like rsync)
* find another host altogether (it should allow rsync, though?)
* (or.. self host! but knowing my crap connection, it's probably not a good option..but it'll be fun..... )

I'll try and work with the current host for now, but this is a little bit of a setback.

## Trying out gemfeed

I thought I might try my hand at creating an Atom feed for my gemlog. I downloaded the gemfeed script:
=> https://tildegit.org/solderpunk/gemfeed (https) Gemfeed script

I tried to run it, but realised that it requires a Python module feedgen. I need some other Python stuff to install it, but it's going to take me too much time to look into this for now, and my assignment is due on Sunday.

Update on the rats: We've been consistently refreshing the peanut butter on the trap - the night before we saw a rat take the bait (although it was standing on the rim of the bucket and reaching onto the trap, sneaky bugger) and last night there was a mouse, we reckon. We'll leave it for a bit more before activating the trap. Might also get a lid for the setup, we'd just bought a large-ish trash bin from Bunnings but neglected to get the accompanying lid.

=> gemini://sdf.org/clinquant/index.gmi back to the main capsule