# 25 Apr 2021

## Lockdown
We're quite close to a highway, and it's unusually quiet. It feels almost apocalyptic.

## Gardening

I've decided to write about our gardening escapades on this site, I'll collate our findings on the site.

We planted some nasturtium and dill seeds today. I can't seem to find my coriander seeds from last season...the irony is, I've probably stashed them away somewhere safe thinking I might lose them.

We also gave Corey a trim and another fungicide spray. I also sprayed  eco Neem where required - on the wedding bush, boronias, geraldton wax, and callistemon. It's interesting which plants the scale insects like to attack. It seems like they prefer plants with sweet nectar, I suppose it makes some kind of sense.

We put away the rat traps - seems like we've probably seen the last of them, hopefully.