201014 - Writing on Gopher

I started this phlog for a couple of reasons;

*   Out of curiosity for the medium - I've read about Gopher before, but I never really understood it fully until I got to set up one for myself.

*   I needed a place to write. I've realized that writing is a good way for me to get my thoughts more organized, and it's probably the best way for them to evolve right now.

*   This is a good medium for writing for myself. I've been thinking about ways to publish my thoughts in a semi-private way. I like to write for myself, but at the same time I want to write in a way that is a little bit more organized than just writing in my notes app. I want my texts to make sense for other people but not be too public. Gopher feels like the perfect middle ground.

So what am I going to write about then? Well, as I stated in my introduction post, I'm highly interested in online communication, cyberculture and digital art and have been so for a while. So I'm planning to use this Phlog to write
about those subjects whenever I get the urge to. And what I like most about this medium is the feeling of intimacy, that whenever you read something on Gopher, it feels like you are invited to go through someones files on their computer.

I still have a few things to figure out though - I've read that there are scripts to make the gopherhole behave the way you want to (the most recent post first, custom sorting etc) and I haven't figured out the description thing yet. But when I get the time, I will try to do everything I can to make this gopherhole feel like home. If anyone reading this have scripts to recommend or just want to say hi, my email is [email protected]