Chase Raz
Saturday 02 December 2017

I just don't know if I can "Internets" right now.  Not even gopher. I read
your phlogs, and I'm pretty sure you read mine.  It isn't like there is a
wealth of reading material on Gopher, and I update frequently, but I'm
starting to worry about your collective sanity.

Reading your phlogs, I've realized were all the same, no matter how much
we're different.  No, I don't mean the were-all-human-and-of-one-mind
spiel either.  We, on Gopher, are a unique breed.  Something is wrong
with us.  We cling to an over 20-year extinct protocol that only had a
useful life of about three or four years.  To see just how truly messed
up some of us are: I was never even on Gopher in the 90s.  I don't believe
I  discovered it until after 2010.  Sick, isn't it?  I'm "web baby".
Born in 1983 just in time to learn to use an Apple IIe and IBM PC XT
(and the necessary modems) in order to be ready for the flurry that was
the boom of the Web during the Windows 3.1 to Windows 95 timeline.

Oh yeah... whereas many of you are die-hard Linux and Unix loyalists...
I LOVE WINDOWS.  The biggest tech challenge for me in 2017 was having to
leave Windows Phone upon it's "death".  (I told you I'm messed up just as
bad as you Unix nuts.

Why?  I see your political rants, and they're a lot like mine, until
they're different.  I'm a Democrat, and I see the evidence (it's not
a belief) that certain socialist-leaningmethodologies are good for our
economy.  I rail against capitalism like everyone, but I also love
Capitalism.  We come to Gopher to avoid the Web and its ads... BUT I

I see you out there.  Staunch libertarians.  Wacky hug-everybody types.
Nutbag conservatives.  Dippy liberals.  I see you all.  You are me, in
a way.  How does our particular breed of crazy manifest in s many
different roles in the modern world?

As Alan Watts may have said in the 20th century before his passing,
"Come off it Shiva!  I see the real you, and it's me!"

Maybe I'm just here because I'm stalling.  This Gopher nonsense (and we
have to admit, in 2017-turning-2018 it is nonsense) is a great way to
divert my time and relax.  Or is it a great way to divert my time and slow
the pace of my successes?  I had always been aware of Gopher, but not
until looking at SDF for classroom Unix resouces did I ever get the chance
to make a Gopherhole.  I loved it.  I still do... but why?

I mean, what is wrong with us?

Comments: [email protected]