
Well here's my first post on gopher. I decided to do a micro-phlog
and keep my blogging to one file. I was contemplating scripting
some entries and having a gophermap linked to individual text
files like a lot of the people here but honestly that just seems
like too much work. with one file, I just date my entries and
start writing. newest musings on top.

I guess I'll see if the one file thing lasts. I do tend to
ramble on. My interests in computing lean towards 90s computing.

I really became interested in computers right in the mid-90s and
I have a great fondness for the early web before it got corporate
and ubiqituous. The internet seemed so new and full of promise
and we were all truly joining something amazing as netizens.

alas, now the internet is a cesspool of extremism, corporate
greed, invasion of privacy, and bloat.

I am really loving the movement that rejects internet bloat
and moves us back towards simplicity. I'll try to do my part
by learning gopher and contributing.