
I have recently ended a job that was so bad that I used
YouTube as a way to self-medicate. I'm not proud of that,
but I am even less proud of the fact that I took the job.
At least, I didn't do anything silly like join X, Facebook,
or even go back to Reddit. I also stayed away from news
other than sportsball... They're not going to get keep me
engaged through getting me enraged about what I have no
control over any more.

Now that I am done with the job, I am on an information
diet: no YouTube until the first weekend of the month. I
find that the YouTube algorithm tends to serve me up more
interesting things after I take a break, which allows for
the alternate possibility that there are only so many hours
of interesting (to me) content produced in a given period,
but I think there is also an effect of YT just giving me
more of the same as long I am scrolling, scrolling, but
showing some real diversity in the feed after a break.
But I hope that it is clear that it is more important to
not be on YT all the time than it is to improve the YT
experience when I am on it. In that spirit, I have made a
Chromebook that I have recently broken out of chrome OS
jail as my new daily driver. In true noob fashion, the
distro I installed is Mint, but to show some real gumption
I have taken the following steps: 1) uninstalled Firefox 2)
instead of a graphical browser, installed lynx 3) changed
the configuration file on lynx so it will ignore all cookie
requests -- changing his first .cfg file... our little noob
is growing up!

When I start up my device, I just open up the GNOME
terminal that ships with Mint (color theme changed to green
and black, if that helps anything) and I just stay with the
command line. It helps me to pay attention to what I really
want to in life. I have keep notes on the books I read,
nature around me, and the journal of my life and thoughts
in text files organized away in their appropriate place.
When I need information, I just jump over to Lynx, get what
I need, and move on. Here's my bookmarks in Lynx:

<LI><a href="gopher://gopher.floodgap.com/7/groundhog/us
<LI><a href="gopher://gopher.club/1/phlogs/">SDF
<LI><a href="http://www.ranprieur.com/">Ran Prieur</a>
<LI><a href="gopher://hngopher.com/">Hacker News</a>
<LI><a href="http://wiby.me/">wiby</a>
<LI><a href="https://portal.mozz.us/gemini/warmedal.se
<LI><a href="https://theconversation.com/us/">The
<LI><a href="gopher://gopherpedia.com">gopherpedia</a>
<LI><a href="https://www.duckduckgo.com/">Duckduckgo</a>
<LI><a href="http://www.frogfind.com/">FrogFind!!</a>

Some notes on the list:
Lynx supports gopher, which is how I got into it in the
first place. It does not support Gemini, but I still follow
along that community using the portal.mozz web-proxy to

Now that I don't have easy access to a graphical browser,
gopher really is how I check the weather. As to when I have
questions, I try to use FrogFind often, but it is sometimes
down, so it is useful to have a link to Duckduckgo as
well... The rest are there for more general surfing, which
I am trying to avoid, but still find better than than
scrolling through the feeds produced by the recommendation
engines, with their aforementioned enrage to engage model.


This work is hereby in the public domain.
Do what you want with it.