That's right, I'm starting a Finger microblog. Should I call it a "flog"? :)
I'm planning to develop some tools to make it easier, it might take a while though.

Today I'm going to a simple surgery, I might stay 6 or 7 days out of the internet, but when I'm back I will start
working on a finger daemon improvements, probably a docker to setup up finger daemons easily and a way to find and
read finger blog users easier.

I plan to use this just to express myself but I also want to talk about RPG (mainly about OSR), but as I don't
like Blogger, Twitter and any other modern platforms I will stick to "flog" even if no one read this

Campfire isn't the nickname I normally use, but I think this is how I will call my indie rpg book, so I'm somekind
of "advertising" it already.