I keep coming back.  I said I was finished with gopher.  I was wrong.

I'm changing the format of my phlog.  Now it's going to be about
little things I have found interesting.  Today it's a word.

I was reading an article about something that was apocryphal and I had
no idea what that meant so I looked it up.

It is a statement of doubtful authenticity, although being widely
circulated as true.

"Fake news" springs to mind.

In Australia, we have a word for these doubtful statements as being
"furphies".  Legend has it that soldiers during WWI would gather
around the water wagon swapping yarns (stories).  The water wagons
were manufactured by an engineering company by the name of Furphy.
That name was emblazoned on the wagons resulting in the use of the
word furphy to describe a tale heard during one of these sessions.

So, until next time, I will drop the word apocryphal into
conversations to impress people with my vocabulary ;)