I've been home now for almost as long as I was away on holidays when I
suffered a superficial thrombosis.  The blood thinning tablets seem to
be doing their job as I haven't suffered a pulmonary embolism due to a
part of the clot breaking off in my calf, and travelling via my heart
to my lungs.  I feel completely normal except for a little lump in my
calf that hurts if I push it.

I went to the thrombosis clinic yesterday for some follow-up.  All
seems to be well and they don't want to see me again until September
when I'll have another ultrasound to see if the thrombosis has

So, all things being equal, I've been lucky.  No issues working,
exercising or any other tangible impact on my life other than a little
low level anxiety earlier on.

Incidentally I had a follow-up appointment with my hernia surgeon a few
weeks ago.  He was more interested in my thrombosis than how my hernia
had healed when I told him all was good with that.  I asked if I'll
ever be able to fly again after all this.  He said no worries.  Just
take some blood thinners in the weeks leading up to the flight and all
will be good.