While talking about mental health, I thought I'd mention a couple of
techniques that have helped me get over some low level anxiety and
poor mood.

I try to be upbeat and enthusiastic about things, but I have been
known to be a "glass half empty" kind of guy at times.  I don't like
this, and the people around me probably don't either.

I started practicing "mindfulness" and "gratitude".  You can research
those topics for yourself to get fully informed on the theory and
practice of these techniques that go towards being mentally healthy.

I practise gratitude daily - by thinking of 3 things I am grateful for
and writing them down.  Well - I don't 'write' them down - I created a
small web app using Codeigniter and mysql to record my 3 gratefuls for
the day.  It seems to help.  I was told it would re-wire my brain
after a couple of weeks.  I don't know that it has done that, but I
have been practicing gratitude since October last year and I think it
has made me more positive.  The next thing I want to work on is 10
minutes of meditation per day.  Where am I going to find another 10
minutes per day???

[email protected]
7th August 2017