2018-11-09 End of a Week

I've almost made it to the end of this week. I'm still trying to catch
up on tasks that I didn't get done yet. I think I'll have to
reluctantly accept that I'm not going to get to everything this week.


Pathfinder was awesome last night! My niece and her friend really
enjoyed themselves. They just need a little help with the mechanics
but they'll soon get it. The party defeated a Skaveling, which is a
ghoul dire bat, and found some treasure. I still need to get a bit
better at tweaking the encounters. I think the Skaveling wasn't quite
tough enough for such a big group. I should have bumped up its
statistics a bit. Also, I have to make sure that we move fast enough
to keep everyone engaged. Eight players is a big group and it takes
time to go through the initiative order. I'll have to research how one
GMs for bigger groups a bit and see what advice is out there. I can't
wait to play again.


It's the end of a rather trying week for me. On the bright side, I
went to Book Club and have a new book to read; and, I got to run
Pathfinder. Still, I'm looking forward to the weekend.