2018-10-30 Prepare for Halloween

I'm working from home today so I have the opportunity to put up a few
decorations for Halloween. I don't care much for Halloween (it's not a
holiday...what do you call it?) but my kids *love* it. Thus, I'm
decorating the house though I'm not a big fan.

I never cared for ghost stories and I hate horror films. I never
understood the fascination with the show, "The Walking Dead". To me,
the world is scary enough without making it worse with all of the
above. That being said, little kids dressed up as ghosts and goblins
are very cute so I'm on the fence. Halloween is fun for the kids so I
help support that fun. However, I would never want to go to an adult
Halloween party or dress up in a costume for work on the
day. Tomorrow, we'll be out with the kids, making sure they have a
safe and fun Halloween.


To be honest, I can't think of another thing to write at the
moment. I'll post this and write another post if something
pithy/interesting comes to mind.