2018-10-26 TGIF and Books

Ah, it's Friday again. I think I may have survived another week in the
salt mines! :) Today, I mainly took care of small tasks on my TODO
list. I'm at the point of my day that I don't really want to start any
of my big tasks and I've completed most of the small ones. I'm going
to try to coast through until it's time to go home.


I started reading "Shadow Work: the unpaid, unseen jobs that fill your
day" by Craig Lambert. It promises not only to outline the extent and
depth of the problem of doing unpaid work but also highlight the
positives of shadow work (having autonomy to complete a task as you
wish it completed e.g. booking a trip) and some solutions to curtail
the worst abuses of our free time. It's written in a clear style and
is only about 275 pages long. I expect I'll finish it in a week or so
which will line up with my next Book Club meeting at my local
library. I'll have a new book to read at the end of that meeting. I
also have borrowed "Romeo and/or Juliet: A Chooseable-Path Adventure"
by Ryan North. I heard about it from listening to an aNONradio
(https://anonradio.net) show called "Choose Your Own Adventure"
(https://anonradio.net/2018/10/26/cyoa/), hosted by tomasino
(https://anonradio.net/djs/tomasino/ OR https://tomasino.org/). I
haven't really got into it yet but it sounded like fun on the
show. The show's site lists all sorts of books so if I don't like this
one I can try another. I used to love these books when I was a kid. In
any case, the show is worth listening to so you might want to check it
out. It's on the web so you can hear all the past episodes too.


I guess that's all I want to say today. Everyone have a nice weekend!
Let's try to spend a bit of time trying to see things from someone
else's point of view. These days it's hard to do with everything being
so polarized but we all have to try. If we can't have a little empathy
then we're going to go off the rails quite badly.