UW PICO(tm) 4.10
File: /udd/b/br0n/gopher/2009.12.18

So, it's the 18th, a Friday. I just went out to eat with the Dad. Somewhat
embarassing going into stores with him. But, that's some bullshit because
that's a sociological and psychological concept as a result of
culture and insecurity. Haha, but, I nearly get away with it because I
look like I could be a teenager anyways. I get carded going to rated R
movies. I'm fucking 24. But honestly, I was looking at photos from 2003, 6
years ago, and I shit you not batman, I look exactly. the. same.

Anyways... I need to get photoshop goin baaaad. Cuz I need a portfolio to
get into grad school.

I did not work today. I dunno. Damn, I should have. I wish I could stop
smoking. But, man. I just can't. :/

This is the second day really that I've refused to go onto facebook. I
seriously need to quit that shit. I mean, I just feel like I put too much
energy into. I think about it too much. When I should be thinking about
fucking girls. Or, better yet, acting out that thought ((cuz that's all I
think about on facebook)). But, being on facebook isn't going to get me
pussy. Being out, working out, making money, saving up for things I
need/want. That's going to get me in the sack.

Lets for a minute talk about how fucking smart I am. Or, at least, how
fucking creative and ingenius I am. Or, lets not because it'll just get me
really fucking upset. Fuck.

Like i was exploring concepts, on my own, in 2007 that are now just
popping out into the art world. Fuck Alan Sekula. Die of cancer already.
That's rough I know. But seirously, man. Like, help me up. Don't put me

I'm loving this whole scheme I have going. It's sweet. However, my memory
sucks and I can only edit one file at a time. And by the time I get to the
file I need to edit, I forget what I was going to edit :/ lol

Ah, well. Maybe this will be a good excercise for me to remember!

Well, I dunno. I'm gunna make an excercise log. Heheh.
