=  F.U.C.K. - Fucked Up College Kids - Born Jan. 24th, 1993 - F.U.C.K.  =

                           THE 1996 ELECTION

Since 1992, the interests of the United States of America have been guided by
our President, Bill Clinton.  I've heard many people speak disparigingly of
him, while few have offered any sort of praise.  He is, at least among those
with whom I converse, universally disliked.  And if the press is any measure,
it seems that he does not have much favor outside of my own circle, either.
How is it, then, that a man held in such low regard managed to obtain the
highest office in this great nation?

I've asked people, while they were badmouthing him, "Did you vote for him?"
Well, yes, they meekly replied.  But there were no other options.  They
weren't happy with the incumbent George Bush, so they voted for Clinton
who, as near as I can tell, has no redeming characteristics whatsoever.
They settled.  No other options.

How could this happen?  How could a man become President of The United
States of America by default?  Now is a good time to ponder this question,
as we are nearing another election.  Already, people are expressing
disatisfaction with the candidates.

"Hell yes, I'm sick of Clinton, but he'll get my vote before Dole does."

"I don't give a damn who is running, Clinton won't be getting my vote."

Well.  Isn't that a pretty picture.  Years ago, I used to think that people
were rather silly when it came to electing their leaders.  There were those
who voted the party line, without regard to the individual candidate.  If
he was a Democrat, then by God, he got the vote.  Or the "single issue"
voters...if the candidate favored their pet issue, say, Support For Left
Handed Mongoloid Spinach Farmers, then by God, it didn't matter if the
soon-to-be-elected was also in favor of prohibition, the vote was there.
This mentality used to amuse me.  Now, I wish we could return to the days
when voters actaully cared about issues, even if it were only one, single-
minded issue.

But nobody does care anymore.  We take what we are offered.  And if we don't
like what is offered to us, we settle for that which is least offensive,
rather than demanding something better.  Good Lord, people.  Bill "I smoked
marijuana, but I didn't inhale" Clinton.  It was bad enough that he couldn't
tell the truth, but to lie so pathetically was inexcusable.  Or at least, I
thought it was.  I was insulted that he thought he could say something like
that, and be believed.  But apparently, I was the one who was wrong.  We put
this man in the White House.

We do have choices, people.  But nobody is going to walk up to our doorsteps
and leave them on our porch.  We must become involved.  We must speak our
minds.  We must give a damn.  We must refuse to settle for what is offered to
us.  We must demand better.  Why in the hell will anyone offer us anything
more, so long as we continue to settle for what we are offered?

Would you settle for an out-of-the-box computer from Radio Shack, when you
could build a higher-performance machine for less money?  No.  Then why
settle for the brain-dead, self-serving bureocrats that are being offered
to us?  All it takes is effort.  Damnit, speak out.  Lobby.  Let your
causes be known, and support them.  Do you want Al "Info-Superhighway" Gore
to represent you?  How about Newt Gingrich?  No?  Well, the choice is yours.
And it is not merely a choice between the two of them.  That is the easy
choice to make.  The hard choice involves rejecting them both, and demanding
someone who represents you!  Do it.  And don't settle for anything less.
If you do, you will be the one who has to live with it.

Ignorance is not bliss, my friends.  Ignorance is ignorance.  You have a
voice.  Make it heard.


= Questions, Comments, Bitches, Ideas, Rants, Death Threats, etc etc...   =
= Internet : [email protected]                      (Mail is welcome)    =
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= Chemical Persuasion  203.324.0894    Celestial Woodlands  214.252.6455  =
= Goat Blowers Anon    215.750.0392    Hacker's Haven       303.343.4053  =
= E.L.F.        (NUP)  314.272.3426    Misery               318.625.4532  =
= Dungeon Sys. Inc.    410.263.2258    Psykodelik Images    407.834.4576  =
= Paradise Lost        414.476.3181    Black SunShine       513.891.3465  =
= underworld_1995.com  514.683.1894    Digital Fallout      516.378.6640  =
= PSYCHOSiS            613.836.7211    Bad Trip             615.870.8805  =
= Plan 9               716.881.3663    suicidal chaos       718.592.1083  =
= Phallic Paradise     801.944.7353    Purple Hell          806.791.0747  =
= Atrocity Exhibition  905.796.3385    Phoenix Modernz      908.830.8265  =
= The Keg              914.234.9674                                       =
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