About Fear

Fear, what we all fear. What is it? Why does it has such power over us?
Well, let me just start by saying that I don't know, but during the last
couple of days I've been doing a few things that scared me and I'm loving

First things first: fear sells, and I think that's one of the reasons why
out society today is so messed up (talking about US with huge generalizations).
When somebody is able to convince us to be afraid of something and then (very
conveniently) they happen to sell the solution, we are more likely to buy.
When the TV channel is able to instill the fear in us that if we don't watch
the news we will be "outside" or uninformed, or lose status, or whatever...
we are less likely to switch the channel. When politicians... nop, not going there.

The point is that we respond strongly to fear, and managing fears or discerning
what is worth fearing vs. what is emotional manipulation is a huge burden that
many people struggle or even get crushed under. I want to challenge that while
at the same time avoid offending anybody.

A disclaimer, there are many people that are afraid an have reason to be. Abuses
of power, discrimination, exploitation, and a myriad of other injustices threaten
their lives daily. And those of us that have the privilege to, in relative ease
have the luxury of gopher among other things should empathize and defend those
that are vulnerable.

I guess one of the issue that humanity faces is that we don't really know
how to get ourselves out of the mess in which we are in. We fight fire with
fire and the oppressed rebel against the oppressor only to in turn become
oppressors themselves.

Well, this phlog took an unexpected turn... but I guess it was something
that I had inside and needed to get out.

And now that that is done I'll make a part II with the fun stuff!