george costanza
   via hitch your wagon to a star
   by benny benji


walking around sure can get old
gonna get a car that a man on craigslist sold
went to the parking lot where he said it was
i think i saw this place in the background of a postcard once

i said "who's that man laying in the back seat?"
he said "the ones up front are the only ones that get heat"
said "what's that gotta do with him?"
he said "ain't nothing warmer than the body of that man"

oh man i feel like george costanza
stepped back from the car
ran into the yard where i yelled

"you cheated me
you're as strange as you are mean
and i would've bought
your stupid car too"

"i can't even understand
what you could've gotten from this plan
but i know
i've gotta ge-e-e-et gone"


in progress...