i spent most of saturday in my room not doing too much of anything.
i appreciated the break but felt a bit gross throughout it. i think
i did something in the morning - oh that's right, ana had spent the
night leading into the day and we slept in and got bagels and
stuff. but yeah beyond that i didn't really do much. i believe i
ordered pizza mid-day and then made myself sick by not drinking
water. then i was listening to church music late into the night
after i accidentally fell asleep from about 10pm to midnight. i
intended to stay sleeping after i woke up again but my online
music friends wanted to put together a cover of 'our house' by
CSNY, which was one of my middle/high school favorite songs, so i
shot up to listen to that and try to record something. it didn't go
great and i ended up listening to a bunch of music until i fell
asleep with my headphones on and i think that's why i've got an
earache today. i woke up today and showered and came to campus with
ana where i pretty much worked all day on making sense of this
enzyme activity data. we took a break to go eat potato leek soup at
their mom's house and for me to throw some laundry in. i love the
day after i've done a bunch of laundry, so i'm looking forward to
tomorrow, even though i have to wake up early i think. i mostly
plan on doing a bunch more work. i also need to figure out some
stuff to order online so i can have proof of residence. i've been
meaning to change my residence for a long long time now. mostly so
i can get a permit for pittsburgh instead of having to worry about
getting everything back home. i hope i can save up for a car
reasonably over the next few years. i think it's pretty stupid i
never worried about learning to drive or getting a car, but that's
the way it went. any more time is even more stupid so i ought to
just get it out of the way as soon as i can. anyway, the ideas for
things to order online (since i don't often shop for stuff) include
some new shoes since most of mine are falling apart (i've only got
two pairs of boots without holes in them and one of those just got
a hole in the heel), or, well, i don't remember. something for the
future apartment i think, probably kitchen related. i also remember
i got new guitar strings yesterday and restrung my guitar that i'd
let go with a broken string for far too long.