(o o)
____________ooO_( )_Ooo______________________________2022_06_26_


With visitors I do not mean the ones from another world, but those
of my Gopherhole. Whereby, who still hangs around in the gopher
world today seems to come anyway from another dimension. As a
friend  of a "different" Internet, one less commercialized and
dominated by big corporations, I am therefore extremely happy about
each traveler in the Gopher universe.

"Who is not curious, experiences nothing!", said already Goethe. Of
course I am curious and would like to learn something (or better
more) about my visitors. Or even if there are any at all!

Therefore I looked around for simple ways to find the corresponding
country for an IP address. Knowing that IPs, obfuscated by VPNs,
proxies .., do not always speak the truth. And a simple list should
be the resultate. Date, IP and country are sufficient.

What I found you can see at
    -> gopher://amox.online:70/0/abouttec/geoip.txt

Even nicer than IPs and other numbers is for me to find a new entry
in my guestbook!
    -> gopher://amox.online:70/1/guestbook/
