agk's diary
5 January 2023 @ 10:30 UTC
written on Pinephone via st (simple terminal)
in kitchen with Chinese tea and WSKV on the radio

Last night I dreamed in a paranoid style. At a res-
idential college with strict curfew, I and a class-
mate were tentatively invited to an evening event,
details TBA, expected to remain available for more

Host's agent clearly had a dossier on each of us.
She observed how we tolerated ambiguity, how we
planned to evade curfew. I suspected her dossier
on me lacked key things the host would like to
know, which gave me a leisurely sense of power.

I assumed she was with an international branch of
an Indian or Nepali Maoist group. I was surprised
they'd try to organize here, assumed it was due to
their analysis of the situation: our weakening
military and financial dominion may improve pros-
pect of popular sovereignty in their country.

I had a document from old friends in a midwestern
city about a police operation. Two targets we knew
stood firm, one turned informer. I didn't finish
the document before waking. I saw the writing on
the wall: graffiti on a warehouse and a grain silo
identifying the informer.

I woke to find I'm cut from work roster today. Our
patient census is still low from the holidays,
we're overstaffed. Time to study for state nursing
licensure exam til first daughter and Evy wake.