!J for jobs
agk's diary
8 November 2022 @ 16:10 UTC
written on GPD Win 1
in dense smoke from forest fires before we vote
Somebody I know was hired by Maximus in Winchester
Kentucky, 40 mile commute. Top indeed.com review:

> They routinely engage in Satanic worship and offer
> employees for sacrifices. Stress of wondering if
> you're next's unbearable. Pros: There are no pros.
> Cons: Probable death due to being chosen for sacr-
> ifice to Lucifer.

Somebody I know works at Bluegrass Army Depot, one
of my country's chemical weapon stockpiles. Our reg-
ion has drills, klaxons on poles, plastic & tape to
shelter in bathrooms, evacuation plans, zones posted
on highway signs, emergency radios. Should 100 year-
old mustard gas or 50+ year-old VX & sarin nerve
munitions blow up.

Less known: Depot's Amazon-style fulfilment center.
Missiles, rockets, drone tech, firing platforms off
to black markets, failure, destruction by Russian
shells. For Saudi slaughter in Yemen, Israeli occup-
ation of Palestine. To point at China from Korea &
Japan, escalate in Eritrea, Ethiopia, Chad, Burkina
Faso, Caucasus, Venezuela, Syria, etc.

Somebody I know's a Navy officer. In February Ukra-
inian Armed Forces dramatically, unilaterally esca-
lated shelling, cluster-bombing of Donetsk, Lugansk.
Zelinsky, against Servant of the People platform,
exited 2014 Minsk ceasefire, swore anti-Russian re-
nuclearization---de-facto withdrew from Non-Prolife-
ration Treaty. My bud and I sat in a backyard. "I
expected this from State," I said, "but thought Def-
ense'd restrain the idiots. What's happening?"

"I'm training guys to deploy to Europe. We're provo-
king Russian military response. When Biden left Afg-
hanistan, war contractors needed new feeding trough.
My guys'll die, lotsa people will, so they can sell
overpriced garbage."

"What can we do?" I asked. "Veterans and active duty
are concentrated in few congressional districts now.
War profiteers everywhere. War's abstract to every-
one else. We don't have political representation;
they do."

My bud did his job, trained his guys. He cares for
them. Manufacturer lobbyists & line workers do their
jobs. Congresscritters, State ghouls, Depot & Maxim-
us workers do theirs. I sacrifice for my job, too.
Direct-care staff help patients as best we can while
our hospital & their insurance robs them.

Plenty jobs are captured by the devil, but hard work
has dignity and meaning, even in a firm in thrall.
Studs Terkel knew that. So do most people who work
for a living, who sell labor for our wage. Owners &
C-suite administrators don't give our jobs dignity
and meaning. That's entirely on us.