!Rapid test
agk's diary
2 February 2022 @ 00:01
written on GPD Win 1
by lantern in stairwell
while fans circulate air

Evy's parents, my brother's family, Cassie, and
a third of my classmates and coworkers got sick
in the last three weeks. Roommate's friend got
sick and tested poz. Last week they spent hours
together indoors.

No big deal. It's warm; we opened windows and ran
fans. It's four days since his exposure, so he
went in search of a rapid antigen test.

Testing information on our state and county web-
sites was last updated over two years ago. It's
inaccurate. Tests we ordered last month haven't
arrived. The pharmacies are all sold out. The fed-
erally-qualified health center's out. Urgent
care's booked up through the weekend.

Neither rapid antigen nor PCR tests are available
in our county. I told professor. Policy: attend
exams and clinicals unless three symptoms or poz
test. Can't test = haven't tested poz.

In a few hours I'll go do nursing care for immuno-
compromised patients on the cancer floor. I'll
arrive in scrubs, with stethoscope, badge, and un-
known status.

* * *

UPDATE (4 Feb): The postal service brought our
allotment: four rapid antigen tests! "Neither rain
nor sleet nor snow nor hail...." Roommate tested
negatron. "Not pregnant," he said.

I guess shortages make you appreciate things.