!Circles of love
agk's phlog
25 July 2021 @ 2217
written on X61 in the kitchen
before finishing the dishes

Yesterday at the reservoir I sewed while Evy and
her sister visited and the baby dozed under the
umbrella. Today's the first day I got much rest.
Evy has healed enough she can do more.

For now Evy's dad's mean, excessive messages are
blocked. In the first week of our daughter's life
Evy's parents' made insane, intrusive attempts to
exert control over our family. It was bizarre,
exhausting, scary, and a little sad.

Every family is crazy. When they aren't threatened
by their adult daughters' independence, I really
like Evy's parents. I'll be glad when they're past
this phase and accept our sovereignty over our
household. It'll happen.

Every day we've had help, friendship, and love.
Cassie made apple crumble and earl grey tea on
games night this week. Brother-in-law promptly
brought a new clothesline when ours broke. Morgan
helped Evy tidy and made groceries. Mrs. Phyllis
brings eggs and home-canned beans---she loves to
hold the baby!

When we go back to work and I start clinicals
next month, Bugz has organized biweekly chores
help. Evy's sister and our bro-in-law are taking
light courseloads. My mom will help. Waves of
out-of-state friends are coordinating weeks we
want extra help.

Our baby likes blackberry leaves to bounce in the
breeze inches from her face where she can see.
Circles and circles of love around this baby.