!Backyard fire pit
agk's phlog
27 Feb 2021 @ 2350
written on x61
smelling like smoke

"Some people die in a firey crash," he sang.

He sounded like John Prine or Tyler Childers
-- mostly like himself I guess, all husky
whisper, humility, wry smile.

Tyler got sober in November. We're proud.
I put a log on the fire. Smoke thanked me.

Jordan's coworker in the PCR test processing
lab thinks COVID-19 is a hoax. "Belief isn't
needed to process the tests," she said.
"Everybody needs a job."

Conversation quieted, shifted, trailed off.

Cassie stood up, put the end of her cigar
in the fire. Not long after, I put the end
of mine in, too.

"I think I'd be a dwarf craftsman," she
said. "At least that's what I wish I could
be. What about you, Anna?"

The dogs ran out to the fenceline and
barked. We felt raindrops start to
fall, and all laughed.