Forlorn like winter frost
Seasons come and gone
Shattered hearts from hope's high cost

Broken glass reflects the sun
Tattered souls can still feel love
Every dream comes to an end

To hear a singer in a foreign tongue
and understand at once
emotional vibrations

Time moves on
There are no second chances
Life goes on

Loved and lost
fought and won
only to end up alone

In the end, where do you go
You can't take your clothes with your soul
Ultimately we're left on our own

With nothing but actions our show
A trace of the path that we chose
and fading like tracks in the snow

slapped with a shoe
smacked in the face what remains?
it came and it went

Actions last only an instant
yet, memories remain forever
and get handed down as myths

how many times
must we repeat the same scenes
before we notice the pattern

Each moment's so brief
In an instant we fall back asleep
only to forget that we're dreaming

It seems my attention is leaking
first dripping, then pouring, then streaming
water through a seive

how can one hold the essence of one's self
you can't tap yourself on the shoulder and say
"hey, I've got you."

who's got who?
regardless the size of the container
some water will spill on the floor

A concentrated analysis
leaves reality on shaky ground
don't confuse the water with the cup.