SDF phlogger fallingknife has an insightful reply to my 'privacy is
dead' rant [0]. He brings up something I did not about government
overreach with our private data. Also this:

"What if we went back to sending letters (forget that the postal
service images the front/back of ever letter and keeps records about
who sends messages to whom)."

I'd love to see a resurgence of letter-writing, the kind of letters
you wrote by hand and mailed with a trip to your post office. Apart
from the contents of the letter being more private than your typical
Internet packet, writing letters might just bring back thoughtful
communication. Kind of like what we engage in here, on a small

On the topic of starting your career in IT and putting your name out
there - you are much better off showcasing your work than tending to
your lnkedin or facebook profiles. Run your own mail, web or DNS
server, host your own blog and git repo.  You'll learn by doing it
all yourself and overcoming the problems that will crop up.  And, as
someone who has been in IT forever, if I were hiring I'd jump at
someone who showed such initiative.  Shane at
also replied to my post on privacy [1]. He talks about using his own
program to facilitate encrypted communication. The idea to use a
graphical wrapper around existing strong crypto standards is a good
one, in that it might encourage use by less technical folks.

[0] gopher://
[1] gopher://