Video games
I have been  a gamer all my  life. The last years I  played tons of
Path of Exile,  CSGO, Killing Floor and so on.  Then this march the
Diabotical  [1] closed  beta  happened,  and it  filled  a void  in
competitive games for me. The old Quake formula in a new coat, with
tons of things that make it better.

Duel I  particularly enjoyed, trying  to improve my  gameplay every
match. The pure skill reliant gameplay was just so fun. Then closed
beta ended and open beta is nowhere in sight.

This has  left me in a  pretty bad mood regarding  games. Nothing I
played  could spark  the same  joy I  experienced with  DBT. I  was
pretty bummed  out to be  honest. Every game  I tried to  play just
felt like a chore, not being fun at all.

On a whim, I tried Deep Rock  Galactic [2]. Played some coop with a
friend. And holy, it's a great game. Fun from the first minute with
a great  atmosphere. It  has weapon unlocks  and cosmetics  and all
that stuff, but it's not limiting  you like so many other games do.
Unlocking stuff is  actually really neat and it's fun  instead of a
drag. I can see myself playing lots more.

Until DBT  goes live  again. Then  most of my  gaming time  will be
dedicated to dueling again, I'm pretty sure.

[1] https://www.diabotical.com/
[2] https://store.steampowered.com/app/548430/Deep_Rock_Galactic/