Mostly tired of being tired of everything.

There's been quite a lot of change in my life during the last few
Not really feeling like detailing what happened, but the gist of it is
that I had, for the third time in 30 months, lined everything up to give
a shot at being hopelessly nerdy for a living... and then this COVID
shit happened.

So all I can do is sit on my ass, and essentially be the edgiest 15 year
old kid stuck in the body of some bloke in his early 30s.
It's unpleasant, especially considering most of that angst is aimed at
the very thing I've been meaning to do for a living for a few years now.

I can't stand the what the internet has become.

I can't stand the techdudebro drones.

I can't stand their actively counterproductive ouchie my feefees

I can't stand their complete lack of understanding of social dynamics,
and of how *actual change* requires time.

I can't stand the irresponsible blackbox ai craze of the last couple

It's like everything that could go wrong has gone to shit and all my
computing has become defensive, instead of being exploratory.